Chris Bush

Chris Bush has been with Tuatha Dea almost since the beginning having stepped in shortly after the groups formation and having played possibly the single largest role in the groups eclectic evolution! Chris’s new world collection of unconventional instrumentation includes Bagpipes, Didgeridoo, Penny Whistle, Native American Flute, Djembe and Spoons! Throw in a bit of Keyboard and he’s covering a lot of territory! Chris is a creative spirit from another plane and for the trivia buffs out there doubles as a master djembe builder in his off time! A dash of pirate, a cup of eagle scout and a gallon of tallent! That’s Chris!   He and Kathy form the bands 2nd Couple and adds one more branch to the deeply rooted family tree!

Band Contributions:

  • Native American Flute
  • Djembe
  • Djuns
  • Keyboard
  • Spoons
  • Penny Whistle
  • Didgeridoo
  • BagPipes