Please join us in our “Call to Action” This coming “Giving Tuesday” December 1st
The Green Album returns!!!! Tuatha Dea Hosts The Green Stream All the Original Artists from around the world reunite with a common goal. Raising Awareness and supporting our partner Rainforest Trust! It’s “Giving Tuesday” and as always 25% of all sales relevant to the Green Album (physical or downloads) go to saving a little bit more of Mother Earth …one song at a time! Join us for Socially Distanced lock in versions of the songs that comprise the Album by the Artists that wrote them! Our stream will be available on multiple social media sites. On facebook at The HardRock Cafe Pigeon Forge page and the facebook page of Tuatha Dea along with fellow artist SJ Tucker’s youtube page. Airing at 7 pm eastern time! Clickity click on any of the links underlined here to view.
THE GREEN ALBUM is a collaborative album featuring Tuatha Dea, Wendy Elizabeth Rule, Sj Tucker, Sharon Knight, Winter Jp Sichelschmidt, Celia Farran, Bekah Kelso, Ginger Doss, Damh The Bard, Kellianna Girouard, Spiral Dance, Spiral Rhythm, Murphey’s Midnight Rounders, Brian Henke and Mama Gina LaMonte.
It’s a musical plan of action. 25% goes to Rain Forest Trust. Check out the websites! Visit us at The Green Album page on Facebook, Our Green Album Website
And never forget our partners in all this. The RainForest Trust saving millions of acres all over the world, OUR HOME! Give what you can share and spread our combined message!

Slainte, All
I recently discovered your music as recommended by my cousin.
Thanks to him I must now hear ‘the triptych’ (The Hum and The Shiver, Wisp of a Thing, and Long Black Curl) at least once a day.
Thanks to you I am now reading Bledsoe’s novels.
Please ask him if another is planned.